Saturday, June 7, 2014


Love is transformational, its intense heat is geared towards Change and Union. The force that comes from God BINDS; calls together, causes a "Communio" a "Koinonia" a "Communion" of persons with persons, of persons with God.

This is what Love is: The giving of self, the 'loss' of an identity; the entire submission to another, the rediscovery and newness of identity in/with another.

Love is not just possessing but being possessed. That One is possessed by another, and the other by the One; that in possessing they actually aren't possessive, but most humbly submit themselves to be melted and remoulded regularly into One Body, and One Spirit.

This is what love is: Humility and service, forgetfulness and docility, purity of intention and generosity, faith and trust, and finally childlike trust and something of (not literally) risky "stupidity"; one of trusting entirely and without reserve. This is what love is.

Love is not a mere feeling meant to be played with by the young and inexperienced, the fire burns !

Love is not possession as though one is a commodity.
Love is not lies and deceit, love is not fear of being lied to/cheated.
Love is not distrust and fear of loss.
Love is not impurity and covetous selfishness.
Love is not material things or qualities in a person.
Love is not for a while; a trial run; a momentary stuff meant to be discarded later.

Love is powerful flames, it burns, transforms, and illumines
Love is eternal union, nothing quenches it
Love is purity, no ill can taint it
Love is above the lovers, cannot be controlled at will by each; a law they both submit to !

Indeed what 90% (or just to be fair 70%) of people have is either lust or childish infatuation, if people knew how sacred love is, they'd recognize that Only the Almighty can confer the gift of perfect/selfless Self-giving. Which is a grace that comes ONLY FROM GOD, and is an INDISPENSABLE sign of love; of true love.

Show me where two people love themselves thus, and i will point you where the Seraphim* camp beside them !

Just thinking:)


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